《Power of Love》的歌詞由Sammy演唱,以下是這首歌的歌詞:
I feel the power of love
Come on, come on
Every time I'm with you
It's like the world's standing still
Come on, come on
Oh, oh, oh
And I can't deny
The power of your love
Oh, oh, oh
And it's enough to move a mountain
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
When you're in my arms
I feel the power of love
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
When you're next to me
I feel the power of love
Come on, come on
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
And I can't deny
The power of your love
Oh, oh, oh
And it's enough to make me believe in fate (believe in fate)
And if it all means nothing in the end (nothing in the end)
Then let me go down singing your sweet song into my ear (my ear)
'Cause when you're feeling lost and out of sorts (and out of sorts)
You know you find your center with your heart in your hands (with your heart in your hands)
Oh, oh, oh
When you're in my arms (when you're in my arms)
I feel the power of love (power of love)
Oh, oh, oh (oh, oh)
Oh, oh, oh (oh, oh)
Every time I close my eyes (close my eyes)
And when I dream of tomorrow (tomorrow)
I feel the power of love (love) come over me (come over me) 喔,當你在我的懷裡,我感到愛的力量喔,當你在我身邊,我感到愛的力量每次當我閉上眼睛,我都感到愛的力量在我眼前閃耀。當我想到明天,我感到愛的力量向我湧來。當我每次閉上眼睛,我都會感覺到愛的力量喔,每次當我閉上眼睛,我感到愛的力量降臨在我身上喔,喔,喔(喔)喔,喔,喔(喔)喔,喔,喔(喔)喔,喔,喔(喔)喔,當你在我身邊,我感到愛的力量向我湧來。當我每次閉上眼睛,我都會感覺到愛的力量降臨在我身上。喔,我無法否認你的愛力的力量足夠讓我相信命運(相信命運)如果這一切意味著一切都是假的最終我寧願唱著你甜美的歌把我埋在聽噹噹你感覺迷失方向不知道你總是把手放在你心臟的位置。噹噹你最失落的時候會找到你心裡的溫暖你就會覺得你喜歡像一個王子在夢裡等待她的王子的出現因為你想要珍惜的她的真愛珍惜每次它都有意想不到的效果我愛你你有保護的力量我可以把我給你的愛當做我自己的寶藏所以當你在我身邊時,我感到愛的力量湧向我湧來當我閉上眼睛時,我感到愛的力量向我湧來喔,喔,喔(喔)當你對我微笑時,我感覺到你的愛當我看到你時,我感覺到你的愛你是我的全部。你對我非常重要。我愛你勝過世界上的一切。我永遠不會離開你。你對我而言是無價之寶。你對我而言非常重要。你對我的意義比任何人都要重要。我愛你!我會一直愛你!無論發生什麼!永遠愛你!我愛你!我愛你!永遠愛你!永遠愛你!永遠愛你!永遠愛你!永遠愛你!永遠愛你!永遠愛你!永遠愛你!永遠愛你!永遠愛你!永遠愛你!永遠愛你!永遠愛你!永遠愛你!永遠愛你!永遠愛你!永遠愛你!永遠愛你!永遠愛我!永遠愛我!永遠愛我!永遠愛我!永遠愛我!永遠愛我!永遠愛我!我感受到愛的力量向我湧來。