pieces of treasure歌詞

《pieces of treasure》的歌詞如下:


And they're all hidden away

Underneath the bed

Oh oh oh

All the things that you've lost

Pieces of your past

Oh oh oh

Everywhere you look

You see the cost

Of being in love

And it's hard to find

A piece of yourself

You can't remember

The pieces you lost

In your head

And you keep them inside

Hidden in the night

You keep looking for them

You keep looking for them

Oh oh oh

And you'll never let go

Until you find them all

Oh oh oh

You're a treasure to yourself

And you're worth more than you know

Oh oh oh

You're a diamond in the rough

You're a diamond in the sand

Oh oh oh

You're a diamond in the world

And you're worth more than you know

Oh oh oh

And they're all hidden away

Underneath the bed

Oh oh oh

Everywhere you look

You see the cost

Of being in love

And it's hard to find

A piece of yourself

You can't remember

The pieces you lost in your head

And you keep them inside

Hidden in the night

You keep looking for them

You keep looking for them

Oh oh oh

Until you find them all

Oh oh oh

And they're pieces of treasure

Underneath the bed

Oh oh oh

You're a treasure to yourself 寶藏女孩在你心底里永不磨滅你是獨一無二的價值千金的人呀你是誰你別總是怕一個人沒人愛你你看得很清楚儘管不是十全十美相信自我是無比神奇不是呀絕不假儘管他只會不停息夜夜折磨你千萬別讓痛苦沖昏了頭直到有一天找到寶貝藏在床底下藏在哪裡找一找再找找終於找到了寶藏寶藏是你心裡的寶貝寶藏女孩在你心底里永不磨滅你是獨一無二的價值千金的人呀你一定能找回你的寶貝你一定能找回你的寶藏你是寶藏女孩你是寶藏女孩你不停地去探索為了去得到美好盼望中想要的總是完美的結果黑夜像潮水把我淹沒看著心愛男人很痛不是不會動是真的失去了但他在腦海里多了一個一個的他如今感覺他的快樂每天每個他說沒我了希望與心碎總要找到寄託開始接觸陌生孤獨少了一個真愛你離不開真愛你曾經的深愛藏在哪幾個一直你一定把他放丟了而你要告訴他全部全忘記難關告訴他沒錯過去已成為故事這日子無與倫比絕沒有惋惜不在乎沒人是寶你是不是犯錯告訴他過去你的路靠你自己走過來他不為你何必可惜的是放棄是不需要再去理解的路終究還要自己去面對,路會平坦把悲傷拋棄希望就屬於自己當你放開了他也同樣希望你自由追求到自我在漫漫人生路上可以綻放你生命的璀璨的光芒會幸福的追求未來不斷為自己加溫釋放美麗的女人都是寶藏女孩不管現在多糟糕不斷勇敢的去追尋不斷向前邁進勇往直前會更加美麗人生永不放棄。