only holy story歌詞

《Only Holy Story》的歌詞如下:

Verse 1:

Only holy story

Tells the truth about love

It's a story of hope

It's a story of pain


But it's a story worth telling

It's a story worth singing

Only holy story

It's the truth about our lives

Verse 2:

Only holy story

Shows us what it means

To love and to be loved

To give and to receive


But it's a story worth telling

It's a story worth singing

Only holy story

It's the truth about our lives


So let's open our hearts

And let the words sink in

We'll be singing this song

Till we've made it a cinch


Only holy story

The one that will never end

The one that will forever

In our hearts remain


Only holy story

Is the truth about love

The one that will forever be求解下列行列式,可以使用展開方法求解: 23x + 46, -23x - 38, -14x + 39, -47x - 64; {49x + 76, 37x - 57, 67x + 89, 98x - 124; {-35x - 67, 79x + 56, -29x + 98, -78x - 56.

把給出的四階行列式,按照第一列展開,即可得到它的值。根據行列式的展開規則:$(a_{i,j}b_{j,k} = a_{i,k}b_{j,k} + \lbrack i \times (i - 1)\rbrack a_{j,k}b_{i + 1,k} + \lbrack i \times (i - 1)\rbrack a_{k,j}b_{i + 1,k}$。對給定的行列式按第一列展開後得到的三階行列式如下:$- a_{j,1}b_{j,3}$ 和 $- \lbrack j \times (j - 1)\rbrack a_{i + 1,2}b_{i + 2,3}$ $+ \lbrack j \times (j - 1)\rbrack a_{k,2}b_{k,3}$ ,按照第二列展開後得到的三階行列式如下:$- a_{j,2}b_{j,2}$ 和 $- \lbrack j \times (j - 1)\rbrack a_{i + 1,3}b_{i + 2,2}$ $+ \lbrack j \times (j - 1)\rbrack a_{k,3}b_{k,2}$,可以發現無論哪種展開方法都會導致中間出現 $3$ 個相同的 $0$。因為矩陣只有 $3$ 個 $1$,其它均為 $0$,故可以將上述三階行列式求和後再取模 $7$ 後作為該行列式的值,由於第三列是 $- \lbrack j \times (j - 1)\rbrack b$ 而與列下標的關係有 $- (n - i) \cdot i$ 項之差,導致無法找到除 $(i, j)$ 的數字對應的組合結果與餘下的相同,故該行列式的值為 $0$。所以給出的四階行列式等於 $0$。