one's again歌詞

《One's Again》的詞曲由日本歌手平井堅創作完成,其全部歌詞如下:


忘不了 那一場雨

淋濕了思念 淋濕了心情

不說 不再提起


忘了 那一場雨




還愛著 愛著你

像一個夢 想讓它成真

不愛了 不愛了 遠走高飛

你的世界不再有我 我也可以自由

愛你 一百天 一千天 一萬天


愛你 一百遍 一千遍 一萬遍

我還是一個人 一個人 一個人


I can't forget that rainy day

Moisture soaked my thoughts and my mood

Don't say, don't bring up again

Pain in the heart will drift away with the raindrops

Forget that rainy day

All the stories left behind in the past

When we were together

It was because love had not yet begun

I still love you, like a dream that wants to come true

If I don't love you anymore, if I fly away

Your world will no longer have me, and I can be free too

I love you for a hundred days, a thousand days, ten thousand days

My love will never change

I love you again and again and again

I am still alone, still alone, still alone.