Oh Happy Day的英文歌詞如下:
Oh happy day when Jesus died on mount calvary,
The soul of love, O how it did surpass!
And then his mother stood alone beside it,
She looked so sweet, it gave a world of kiss.
Oh happy day, when we our souls are thine,
And earthly joys now are love to decline;
O every hour must that hour repair it,
With hope, the grand messengers from thee, O.
The resurrection morning on his grave appeared,
As quick as thought in all his bliss appear;
With singing angels in their robes of fire,
Oh glorious, he must arise and hear.
Oh happy day, when we our souls are thine,
And heaven and earth will then be o'er and done;
The blest embrace and say 'Dear Lord be Thine.' O.
We live to see thee all we live to see thee now,
Thou king of kings we'll crowned thee now.
The green hill shall for ever know no roar,
The ocean wave, nor mountain billow boar.
Oh happy day, when we our souls are thine,
Thy goodness lives, and still will live for ever more. O.