o holy night歌詞libera

"O Holy Night" 是由歌詞和音樂組成的歌曲。如果您需要歌詞,您可以嘗試使用音樂播放軟體搜尋這首歌並查看歌詞。


O holy night

Oh, oh, oh, oh

Oh, oh, oh

Oh, oh, oh

Oh, oh, oh

Bring you to my arms tonight

And lay your weary head upon my pillow

I'll whisper words of comfort in your ear

Oh, how I've missed you here

Come all ye faithful though the night

And let us sing in harmony

For the birth of Jesus Christ the light

Oh, let the angels sing tonight

O Holy Night, the spirit moves in silence

Oh, oh, oh, oh

Oh, oh, oh

Oh, oh, oh

Oh, oh, oh

Oh, how love's pure light enlightens thee

And shines upon this winter's day

The angels sang their song of praise

And peace upon this troubled earth they pray

O Holy Night, and peace is on the way

And angels sing in heavenly melodies

And the love of Christ shall reign forevermore

Oh, in this cold world, hope shall never die

O Holy Night.
