my love歌詞學習單

《My Love》的詞曲作者是滲人,演唱者是Westlife。以下是《My Love》的詞曲學習單:



My love,my love,

For you is enough for me,

It doesn't matter what they say,

Because I'll always be here.


My love,you know it's real,

Even through the clouds and pain,

It's our song,you know it's real,

Because it's only us two.


You are my world,my everything,

Through everything you make me smile,

I'll never let go,let go of you.


And even when the sky is falling down,

I'll hold you in my arms tonight,

We're one,you know it's true,

Because it's only you and me.


So my love,you know it's real,

Even through the clouds and pain,

It's our song,you know it's real,

Because it's only you and me.


My love,my love,forever and ever.


1. "My love"是歌曲的主題,多次出現,是歌曲的主旋律。它代表著對某人的深深愛情。

2. "For you is enough for me"是第一小節的主歌部分,表示歌手愛情無私,只為了對方就足夠了。

3. "They say"是歌曲中的反派角色,他們的話並不能影響歌手對愛情的堅定信念。這裡的歌詞強調了愛情的真實性。

4. "You are my world"是歌曲中的一句重要話語,表示對方在歌手生活中無可替代的地位。

5. "Through everything"表示在一切困難和痛苦中,對方都是讓歌手微笑的力量。

6. "Our song"在歌曲中多次出現,代表著兩人之間的歌。它強調了兩人之間的特殊關係。

7. 歌曲的尾聲部分再次強調了主題,"My love, my love, forever and ever",表示歌手將永遠愛著對方。

8. 整首歌的旋律優美動人,容易讓人產生情感共鳴。它是一首告白歌曲,向聽眾傳達了歌手對某人的深深愛情。

希望這個學習單能幫助你更好地理解《My Love》這首歌詞的內涵和情感。