muse map of the problematique歌詞

《Muse Map of the Problematique》的英文歌詞如下:

Verse 1:

Can't sleep, dreaming

'bout a million stars above

Telling me the secrets they have seen

Life is so fleeting

Won't waste my time on all these traps

It's all about how I define my time


Muse map, guiding me through life

Pointing me in the right direction

Reality's got no substance for me

This song, this is where I will rise

Verse 2:

Heart racing, hands up

Not listening to those lies they spin

Finding answers on my own terms

Moonlit memories they run and scream in lines, stay, love what you find, sing the songs and light up your sign.



A moment of peace and a place to land, never know where I am until I hear your song.



Feel the muse in me rise up, my soul will always sing this song.

以上是《Muse Map of the Problematique》的基本歌詞內容,如需了解更多信息,可以到音樂相關網站查詢或諮詢冬粉。