《Mrs. Potato Head》的歌詞如下:
Mrs. Potato Head, she's a face that never fades
She's a face that's always smiling, and laughing all day
She's a face that's full of fun, and a face that's always young
She's a face that's full of joy, and a face that's always laughing
She's a face that never frowns, and a face that never cries
She's a face that never fades, and a face that's always there
She's a face that's full of hope, and a face that's full of dreams
She's a face that never frowns, and a face that never loses hope
She's a face that loves to laugh, and a face that loves to dance
She's a face that loves to sing, and a face that loves to romance
She's a face that loves to dream, and a face that loves to play
She's a face that loves to laugh, and a face that loves to be happy
Mrs. Potato Head, she's my best friend in the world
I don't know what I would do without her, she makes me laugh and smile every day
So don't forget to say hello to Mrs. Potato Head for me, and tell her I miss her
Mrs. Potato Head, she's the best thing in my life
以上就是《Mrs. Potato Head》的部分歌詞,這首歌是適合兒童的一首歌曲,歌曲的歌詞簡單易懂,充滿樂趣和溫馨的情感。