《Mr. Children Dance Dance Dance》的歌詞如下:
Dance dance dance oh yeah
Yeah yeah yeah oh oh oh
大人はみんな 話すな 結婚しろと言うけど
I know they talk about us but I won't listen
I know they talk about marriage but I won't listen
僕らの夢を 教えてくれる人がいる
I know there are people who can teach me about our dreams
I know there are people who can tell me about our future
Are you still dreaming?
僕らの夢を 追いかけるなんて 簡単じゃない
It's not easy to pursue our dreams
僕らの夢を まだ知らないなんて いつもって言うけど
They say we don't know our dreams, but it's not true
Let's wipe our glasses together and look up at the sky
きっと輝くだろう まだまだたくさん夢があるから
There are still many dreams waiting for us up there
(I won't give up) (dance dance dance)
きっと屆くだろう そうさ夢を抱きしめて 今すぐに
We have to hold onto our dreams and go for them now
(dance dance dance)
君の聲を 大きくなりたいから たぶん 君も同じだろうね
I want to make my voice louder so that you can hear it too, I'm sure we're both feeling the same way.
大人はみんな 時計を見るのが好きなのね
They like to look at their watches all the time, I guess that's what grown-ups do.
Are you still dreaming?
僕らの夢を 見失わないように 僕らは手を取り合って行こう
We have to hold onto our dreams and go for them together.
(dance dance dance) そうさ夢を抱きしめて 今すぐに
We have to hold onto our dreams and go for them now.
(dance dance dance) たぶん 君も同じだろうね
I'm sure you feel the same way too.