macross f歌詞

《Macross F》的歌詞如下:


ラストチャイムは きっときっと

last chime is true true

きみとのあの日 描いた夢

the dream i drew with you that day


it's only that I have in my heart

そう 永遠に

so it's forever

煌めく星が ただ散っても

glistening stars may only scatter


but we still search for dreams

それぞれの鼓動 聞こえるはず

I should hear each other's hearts beating

さあ 何処へ行こう

come on, where do we go?

君とふたり 駆け抜けた時代に

the era where we ran together with you

刻まれた光と影 夢見る勇気

the courage to dream, the shadow and light etched in time

信じてる いつも信じてる

I always believe, I always trust

きっとあの夢を なぞる明日へ

we will surely follow that dream to the tomorrow

伝えきれない 愛の意味を

the meaning of love that I couldn't convey

握りしめた 手のひらに

is held tightly in the palm of my hand


to the endless expanse of the sky beyond

探し続ける 君と僕の夢を

I will continue to search for my dream with you

時を超えて 響いてゆくMacross F

Macross F echoes through time

ラストチャイムは きっときっと

last chime is true true

きみとふたり 誓った夢を

the dream we vowed together with you


it's only that I have in my heart


somewhere in the endless expanse of the sky beyond

きっていつか見た 夢なのかもしれないね

it might be the dream we once saw together somewhere

そう 永遠に…。

so it's forever…。