lying from you歌詞

Lying From You的歌詞如下:

I was on the edge of my seat

Wishing you'd tell me the truth

It's just that every time you spoke

Your words came out wrong

But now you're changing your tune

Now you're sorry

And I can't trust a word you say

It's hard to look for truth

When you're lying from you


Lying from you

It's a game that you play

With my heart and my sanity

And I can't trust a word you say

Lying from you

It's a game that you play

With my heart and my sanity

And I can't take it anymore

So here we are again now

Trying to figure out what to believe

But I can't look at you anymore

And now I know for sure

You're a liar and a cheat

So now I say goodbye to you goodbye to you forever more forever more forever more forever more forever more forever more forever more forever more forever more forever forever more forever more forever forever more forever more goodbye to you

This time it was worse than before

It seemed that every time I asked for the truth you looked away and left me with doubts in my head now I'm thinking it's over I won't be the victim of your game no no no no no no no no I can't believe how easily you fell in your head is not easy just fall over it推薦一本歷史書,你會選擇哪本?《細說宋朝》怎么樣?《細說宋朝》是一本全面、詳實介紹宋朝歷史的書籍,作者王曾瑜在書中大量援引野史、筆記、碑刻等各類史料,注重從文化、制度層面進行剖析,對宋朝的經濟、政治、軍事、文化等各方面都有涉及,使得這本書可以作為了解宋朝歷史全貌的讀物。此外,《細說宋朝》的語言風格也比較通俗易懂,適合普通讀者閱讀。當然,在閱讀時請留意建議和評論,以便根據自己的閱讀需求和興趣做出選擇。
