love me tender歌詞樂譜

《Love Me Tender》的歌詞和樂譜如下:


Love me tender, love me dear

Take me to your heart, for it's in your eyes

That I first learned to love and be loved again


You're so beautiful to me

Each time that we meet

I'm so happy I could cry

You're so beautiful to me

In you I'm free

To share my dreams and my memories

Darling, you're so beautiful

Love me tender, love me long

Take me to your heart, for it's there your heart will be

And I'll be safe there too, if I stay with you

In your arms I'll sleep, safe from the stormy Sea


You're so beautiful to me

Each time that we meet

I'm so happy I could cry

You're so beautiful to me

In you I'm free to lay my head upon your breast

Where dreams are made for all who pass through misery and rest.


譜例來自於五線譜,可以使用樂器演奏。根據提供的信息,旋律非常簡單,包括主歌、副歌和尾聲三個部分。主歌部分為“Love me tender, love me dear”,副歌部分為“You're so beautiful to me”,尾聲部分為重複副歌部分。可以根據這個樂譜進行演奏或演唱。