kelly clarkson歌詞

關於Kelly Clarkson的歌詞,可以提供一些她的代表性歌曲的歌詞。例如,她的代表作《Since You've Been Gone》的歌詞如下:

Verse 1:

I'm standing alone, without you

I'm feeling lost, without you

I can't sleep, I can't eat

Without you, it's all I can do


Since you've been gone, it's a different day

Since you've been gone, I'm a changed woman today

Since you've been gone, it's a new life

Without you here, I'm free

Verse 2:

I'm feeling stronger, without your hold

I'm feeling more, without your load

I'm feeling like, I can fly

Without you holding me down


Since you've been gone, it's a different day

Since you've been gone, I'm a changed woman today

Since you've been gone, it's a new life

Without you here, I'm free


I won't lie, I cried the first week

But now I look back and I laugh at myself for doing so

But this new life that I've found

I will love until the end


Since you've been gone, it's a different day

Since you've been gone, I owe it to myself today

Since you've been gone, it was time to move on

Without you here, I'm free.

這些歌詞反映了她從一段感情中走出來的過程,充滿了痛苦和掙扎,但最終找到了自我,變得自由和堅強。當然,Kelly Clarkson還有很多其他歌曲,其歌詞都各有特色,可以查閱相關資料獲取。