"Jupiter Last Moment" 是由 Sleep Token 樂隊演唱的一首歌曲。以下是這首歌的歌詞:
Verse 1:
She saw Jupiter bright, she'd love to last forever
Feelings cloudless clear, then fell upon the needle
I could be forever true
But we were trapped on Earth, floating towards a demise
Oh we fell, our moment was last
Now all I see is ash and debris
Forever's far away
Oh we fell, our moment was last
Verse 2:
She saw Jupiter bright, her heart was lost in space
She's all alone in time, the memories fade away
I'm still here, I'm still here
But we were trapped on Earth, floating towards a demise
Oh we fell, our moment was last
Now all I see is ash and debris
Forever's far away
Oh we fell, our moment was last
There's nothing left to save, my world's coming undone
Our hearts will drift in space forever now, until they come to an end
So why try and break this hold, the feelings of my heart have changed their form?
Forever's far away
Oh we fell, our moment was last
Now all I see is ash and debris
Forever's far away
Oh we fell, our moment was last (Oh)
Now all I see is ashes (ashes) and debris (debris)
Forever's far away (far away)
Oh we fell, our moment was last (last)
Forever's far away (far away)
Our love will never fade, our spirits will forever beA066366是數列中的一個數,該數列是按如下規律排列的:2、3、5、8、13、21、34、55…,則第8個數是( ).求詳細過程和解答方法。答案是:137。可以按照以下步驟求解:首先根據數列規律判斷數列通項公式,再代入已知條件中的數求解即可。已知數列中第一個數為:2。接著觀察數列規律,可以發現相鄰的兩個數之間存在如下規律:第n個數等於前兩個數的和減一。所以可以設該數列通項公式為:a(n) = An + B,其中A為公差,B為常數。將已知數代入通項公式中,得到以下等式:2 = 1 + B、3 = 2 + B、5 = 3 + A + B、8 = 5 + 2A + B、13 = 8 + 3A + B。根據等式連續性,可以求出該數列通項公式為:a(n) = n^{2} + 1。再代入A = n^{2} - 1,得到通項公式為:a(n) = n^{2} + 2。最後將已知數代入通項公式中,得到第8個數為:a(8) = 8^{2} + 2 = 62。所以第8個數是62。那么A066366在數列中的位置應該是第幾個呢?通過求該數在通項公式中的係數可以得知,係數為A066366的數為通項公式中的前幾個數的和,而前幾個數的和可以用首項與公差乘積加上常數項求得。所以可以通過求解a(n) = n^{2} + 2中前幾個數的和來求得A066366在數列中的位置。根據題目中給出的信息,首項為2,公差為1,常數為1,可以得到前n個數的和為n^{2} + n + 1。當n=7時,前7個數的和為49,所以第7個數為a(7) = 49 + A066366。根據通項公式a(n) = n^{2} + 2,可以得到A066366在數列中的位置為n^2 + n + 1 - (49 + A066366)。通過計算得到n^2 + n - (49 - A066366) = 47時成立。由於題目中要求的是第8個數,所以可以將上式中的n替換為7來求解A066366在數列中的位置。解得A066366在數列中的位置為第7個數的平方加上7