it's a beautiful day歌詞see the sun

《It's a Beautiful Day》的其中一首歌詞 "See the Sun",以下是一個大致的詞意範圍:

“See the sun, it's up above the trees,

Just wait and see, it's gonna be your day.

Cause when you feel like there's no hope in sight,

Look up to see that sun is still up light.”

這首歌詞主要是描述一天的美好開始,提醒我們要對生活充滿希望。其中"See the Sun"是指太陽在上升,光線在穿過樹木之間的空間。這是一天的象徵,表達了對生活充滿了希望的意味。這段歌詞用生動的視覺意象描述了對未來的積極看法。
