imagine john lennon歌詞

"Imagine" 是 John Lennon 的歌曲,歌詞如下:

Imagine there's no countries,

It isn't hard to do,

Nothing to kill or die for,

And no religion too.

Imagine all the people,

Living life in peace,

Not greedy, exploiting,

But helping each other.

You may say I'm a dreamer,

But I'm not the only one,

I hope someday you'll join us,

And the world will live as one.

這是一首富有強烈情感和道德立場的歌曲,傳達了沒有國界和戰爭,所有人都和平生活,彼此幫助的世界理想。 歌曲以對話形式演唱,歌詞簡單易懂,旋律優美動聽。 歌詞中反覆出現的“Imagine”一詞,表達了作者對美好未來的嚮往和追求。
