I turn to you
你站在那兒 抬頭看天 手中的星群綻放光茫
you stood there, looked up at the sky, held in your hand the stars that glowed brightly
like you were holding a compass in my life that moment
as if I could rely on you
(verse 2)
你曾經如此的靠近我 讓我感到如此安心
You were so close to me, I felt so at ease
現在卻如此遙遠 遠到我無法觸及
now it's so far away, it's out of reach
我試著尋找你的影子 卻發現空無一人
I try to find a trace of you, but there's no one there
你卻不再回應 我只好向你傾訴 將我的故事和痛苦 連同對你的依賴 都寄託給星空
You don't respond anymore, so I turn to you, I pour out my story and my pain, along with my dependency, to the stars
I turn to you 我還能向誰傾訴 我該向誰依賴呢?
I turn to you, who else can I turn to? Who else can I rely on?
你曾是我夜晚的明星 你是我孤寂的伴侶 無論你在哪裡 我的故事將向著你說出 (my story will point towards you)
You were the star of my night, my companion in loneliness, no matter where you are, my story will be directed towards you
當我們迷失方向 我還是會找到你 (I'll find you when we get lost) (bridge)
When we get lost, I'll still find you (pre-chorus)
就算我們的距離遠如星辰大海 我還是會向著你走去 (I'll keep walking towards you)
Even if the distance between us is as vast as the sea of stars, I'll still head towards you (chorus x2)
你曾是我夜晚的明星 你是我孤寂的伴侶 無論你在哪裡 我將永遠向著你 (my story will always point towards you)