i love the way you lie歌詞


* “And I love the way you lie” - 我愛你撒謊的方式

* “我知道你謊言中的真實” - I know the truth in your lies

* “儘管他們把你打造成完美無缺的英雄” - "Though they you they they built you up to fall"

* “你依然是我最深的傷疤” - "You're still the deepest scar"

* “我依然愛你,即使你謊言依舊” - "I still love you, even when you lie"

* “每一次你讓我失望透頂” - "Every time you let me down"

* “每一次你把我推向未知的邊緣” - "Every time you pushed me to the edge"

* “我依然愛你,就像溺水者渴望呼吸” - "I still love you, like a drowning man longing for air"
