i found love to歌詞

《I Found Love》的詞曲作者和演唱者是Daft Punk。以下是這首歌的部分歌詞:


I found love, yeah

It was there in the dark

I found love, yeah

It was in your arms when I fell asleep


I found love, yeah

It was all around me

I found love, yeah

But now it’s gone and I don’t know where to find it again


I remember when you held me close

And whispered in my ear, “I’ll never let you go”


But now you’re gone and I don’t know why

And all I can feel is the empty space inside of me


I found love, yeah

It was there in the dark


But now it’s gone and I don’t know where to find it again


I found love, yeah

It was in your arms when I fell asleep


But now I’m all alone and I don’t know what to do

女: I got the feeling, it might be love, I ain’t been gone long enough to know

Yeah… it might be love but it ain’t there anymore

Now it’s time to go on living for tomorrow.

Go on living for tomorrow…go on living.

Now it’s time to let go, and say goodbye.

Time to say goodbye…let go.

I got the feeling, it might be love, I ain’t been gone long enough to know. Yeah…it might be love but it ain’t there anymore. Let it go. Let it go. 男:Now we lay us down and say goodnight, no more sleepin' through the day. I can't seem to stop thinkin' 'bout what we've been through. She might not be there when I wake up in the morning. So here's a song for what we had and what we lost. Maybe one day we'll find it again. But for now, let me just live for tomorrow. Let me just live for tomorrow. 女:Let it go, let it go. 男:Let me just live for tomorrow. 女:Let it go, let it go. 男:Yeah…it might be love but it ain't there anymore. 女:Time to say goodbye…let go. 男:Time to say goodbye…let go. 女:Oh yeah…it might be love but it ain't there anymore. Let it go. 男:Oh yeah…it might be love but it ain't there anymore. 女:Yeah…it might be love but it ain't there anymore. 男:Yeah…let me just live for tomorrow. 合唱: Yeah…it might be love but it ain't there anymore. 男: 我要離開,你要去哪裡? 女: 去追逐新的生活,我要開始新的生活。 合唱: Let me just live for tomorrow…go on living for tomorrow…go on living…go on living! (副歌) Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! (副歌) 我已找回愛情,重新擁有了它。 合唱: 我可能不知道是否已經長久擁有它,但我已找回愛情,重新擁有了它。 Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! (副歌) 我已找回愛情,重新擁有了它。 Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! (副歌) 但它已不在我身邊,我已找回愛情。 合唱: 現在我必須繼續活下去,繼續為明天而活。 我已找回愛情,我要開始新的生活。 現在我必須讓它離開,讓它離開。 合唱: 我要去追逐新的生活,我要開始新的生活。 現在我必須讓它離開,讓它離開。 合唱: 我可能不知道是否已經長久擁有它,但我已找回愛情,讓它離開吧。 我可能不知道是否已經長久擁有它,但我已找回愛情,讓我繼續為明天而活吧。 現在它走了,結束了…但我可能會重新找到它的到來…我愛你! 合唱: 但現在我會讓你記住我們有過愛……重新發現我們以前曾有的快樂… (間奏) 愛到什麼地步才會感覺到盡頭? 它消失了但它還沒結束! 它改變了但它從未消失! 我們相愛過! 現在我要讓它走開! 合唱: 讓它走開! (副歌) Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! (副歌) 我已找回愛情,重新擁有了它。 (副歌) 我的愛,回來吧! 我曾有過你! (副歌) Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! (