i dream歌詞

《I Dream》的詞曲創作人是一個未經公開身份的匿名作者,歌詞創作人未知。這首歌的英文版《I Dream》由泰勒·斯威夫特演唱,其歌詞如下:

I dreamed a dream,

In shimmering coloured light,

Before the broken dawn,

We rode like dust under the moon

Across a sandy land,

Till I awoke, my soul in pain,

For every tear that fell,

A dream was sold,

And every heart that broke,

A promise broke.

And I dreamed a dream,

In shimmering coloured light,

And all the world was wrong,

And all the time was right.

In a dream I rode again,

Across the endless plain,

To a city on a hill,

A shining city on a hill.

The dreams that I dreamed then,

The dreams that I dream now,

I will believe in,

Until I’m back again.

But in my dreams they still arise,

With music and melodies,

To my waking soul.

For I dreamed a dream in shimmering light.

