"I Am Who I Am" 是歌曲 "I Am" 的歌詞,由 R. Kelly 作詞作曲。以下是歌詞:
Verse 1:
I am who I am, I am not who you want me to be
I am my own, and I'm free
I am, I am, I am
I am who I am
Verse 2:
No one can tell me who to be
No one can make me what they want me to be
No one can change my name, cause it's mine
To make the choices and define my life
This is the time to shine, no one else is in the room
Take your time and get in tune
To feel your power and you'll find, that you're all around
I am, I am, I am
I am who I am
I am, I am, I am, I am, I am.
以上是 "I Am Who I Am" 的基本歌詞,你可以在歌曲中找到更多信息。