《Hello to all the child of the world》的中文歌詞如下:
Hello to all the children of the world
Everywhere you go
There's a different language
And a different way of life
But it doesn't matter
You've got a voice inside your head
You can make a difference
You can make a change
Hello to all the children of the world
It's time we started taking care
It's time we stood up for our rights
It's time we showed them how we are
Hello to all the children of the world
Everybody sing along
With a different face and a different name
But we're all the same in one way
We're all children of the world
We've got to learn to live together
In harmony and peace
And we've got to find a way to bring it on home
We've got to learn to work together
For a better future now
And we've got to make it happen somehow
Hello to all the children of the world
Everybody in the world in harmony with nature
The time has come for our planet to bloom and blossom into endless golden moments that never ever die
別忘了您現在是個夢工人的心情您可以找個幸運池在水面找一個天空祝福一下水清澈月亮掛著美好我們的天使面容沉浸在此夢鄉安好同途並行的大伙兒的道讓我們吹滅他最後的惆悵化為了黑雲的感冒好運般繚繞開來所有人幸福的燈光同途並行的大伙兒的愛意在夜空中蕩漾 蕩漾 蕩漾 蕩漾 蕩漾 蕩漾 蕩漾 蕩漾 蕩漾 蕩漾 蕩漾 蕩漾 蕩漾 蕩漾 蕩漾 蕩漾 蕩漾 喔~喔~喔~喔~喔~喔~喔~喔~喔~喔~喔~喔~喔~喔~喔~喔~喔~喔~喔~喔~喔~喔~喔~喔~喔~喔~喔~喔~喔~喔~喔~喔~喔~喔~喔~喔~喔~喔~喔~喔~喔~。