grow up yellow bucks歌詞

《Grow Up Yellow Bucks》的歌詞如下:

Grow up, yellow bucks, we'll have our day

Move forward, no fear, with our boots and bayonets fixed

To the hills, to the fields, let's do it for the Rhodesian cause

Ready, aim, fire, live 'em up, do your thing

Lads in love with lasses, livin' it up in town

Whistle while you work, we're havin' a ball

Gonna make a killin', gonna make a score

Gonna make it big, gonna make it grow

Grow up, yellow bucks, we'll have our day

Move forward, no fear, with our boots and bayonets fixed

To the hills, to the fields, let's do it for the Rhodesian cause

We're all for one and one for all

Blow the bugle call, let's saddle up and ride

Saddle up and ride, boys, we've got to make a fight

It's the way of life we love so well

And we're not gonna let it all collapse

Grow up, yellow bucks, we'll have our day

Move forward, no fear, with our boots and bayonets fixed

To the hills, to the fields, let's do it for the Rhodesian cause

We're all for one and one for all

Take it easy when you come down, boys

Life goes on, don't complain

There's still time for you to turn around boys

Forget what happened before boys

Get ready for what's coming your way boys

Now we have a better way of life

You won't regret what you've done boys

Come and join the brotherhood now.