"GD Shake the World" 是 G-Dragon 的歌曲,以下是歌詞:
Verse 1:
Yo GD, we're here for you
You're the leader, the one we look up to
You've been through so much, but you never gave up
You're our inspiration, we're with you every step of the way
Shake it up, shake it up
GD, shake it up, let your energy flow
Shake it up, shake it up
We're all behind you, GD, shake the world
Verse 2:
You've been through the fire, but you come out stronger
You're a fighter, a leader, a star that never fades
You're the voice of our generation, we'll never let you down
You're our hero, our inspiration, our everything
Shake it up, shake it up
GD, shake it up, let your energy flow
Shake it up, shake it up
We're all behind you, GD, shake the world
We're standing strong, together as one
Through thick and thin, we'll never let you fall
You're our light in the dark, our guiding star
So GD, let your light shine, shake the world
Shake it up, shake it up (x2)
We're with you all the way (x2)
GD, we're here for you (x2)
Shake the world (x2)
這些是 "GD Shake the World" 的基本歌詞。請注意,歌詞可能隨時間和版本而異,因此最好查看原始音樂錄音以確定最準確的版本。