《Free Tokyo Sky Hi》的歌詞如下:
We fly high in the Tokyo sky
With our dreams, we flap our wings as birds
Cutting through the wind and chasing the moment now
We won't be afraid of anything
The journey to fly is sometimes tough
But we keep on protecting that dream
そう 希望は僕らの胸の奧に生きる
So, hope lives in the depths of our hearts
Turning back, we find the wings that lead us forward
Knocking on the door of our hearts, for the freedom to fly
さあ 飛び立てばいい
So, let's take off and fly away
今 僕ら羽ばたく
Now, we'll flap our wings
どこまでも高く遠くなる世界へと 進むよ 君と 僕と
Together, we'll keep on marching forward, with you and me, into a world that's higher and further than anyone can imagine
光差す未來に輝く 翼を生み出すんだ 自由な日は何処までも続くよ さあ 飛び立てばいい
The future shines with light, and we'll create wings that will lead us to freedom. The days of freedom go on forever. So, let's take off and fly away.