first of may中文歌詞

"First of May"是一首英文歌曲,沒有中文歌詞。以下是歌曲的一些相關信息:

這首歌是由英國搖滾樂隊The Beatles(披頭士)創作的,通常在每年的五月初作為單曲播放。歌曲的旋律輕快,歌詞富有詩意,表達了對美好時光的嚮往和懷念。


Verse 1:

On the first of May, I'll be with you

Underneath the willow, we'll lay down and sigh

On the first of May, I'll be with you

Forever and ever, I'll love you


On the first of May, I'll be with you

Underneath the apple tree

In your arms, I'll lay my head

Forever and ever, I'll love you

Verse 2:

On the first of June, we'll be together

Underneath the poplar tree, we'll make sweet love

On the first of June, we'll be together

Forever and ever, we'll stay


On the first of May, I'll be with you

Underneath the apple tree

In your arms, I'll lay my head

Forever and ever, I'll love you
