以下是Epik High的《Don't Hate Me》的歌詞:
Yo Yo Yo
(Verse 1)
Yo I'm a star
I'm a star
I'm a star like the sun
I'm a star like the moon
I'm a star like the sunshine
Don't hate me
Don't hate me
Just cause I'm on top
Don't hate me
Don't hate me
Just cause I'm a star
(Verse 2)
I ain't got no fear
I ain't got no fear
I ain't got no fear of falling from the sky
And even if I do fall
I will rise up again like the phoenix from the ashes
Don't hate me
Don't hate me
Just cause I'm on top
Don't hate me
Don't hate me
Just cause I'm a star (Yeah)
If you can't see what I see then don't judge me by your standards (By your standards)
I might be flawed and I might be human but my light will never dim (Never dim) (Verse 3) So take my life and learn from it for you got your own struggles And I don't want no drama I just want you to be a star like me in your own right If you want to know who I am Look at what I leave behind Look at what I've done魚竿的結構與分類及材質都有哪些?需要注意什麼?以下是一些基本分類及常見魚竿種類。您可以通過進一步閱讀來了解每種類型的特點。一、結構:魚竿主要由竿梢、竿體、後堵、後堵連線處、止逆環和護帽組成。其中,竿體是魚竿的核心部分,由多節組成。二、分類:按材質分,魚竿可分為碳纖維竿、玻璃纖維竿、鋁合金竿等;按調性分,可分為軟竿、硬調竿、中調竿等;按使用場景分,可分為溪流竿和台釣竿。三、材質:魚竿的材質主要包括玻璃纖維、碳纖維、鋼絲、木材等。其中,碳纖維材質的魚竿輕便、堅韌、耐磨,是市面上比較常見的魚竿材質。四、注意事項:購買時,應選擇適合自己的尺寸和調性,避免購買太軟或太硬的魚竿。使用時,要避免在烈日下暴曬,以免變形;存放時,要放在乾燥的地方,避免受潮發霉。以上內容供您參考,您也可以諮詢釣魚專業人士獲取更準確的信息。不同品牌的魚竿會有差異,因此建議您購買前仔細閱讀說明書。另外,對於初學者來說,選購合適的魚鉤和漁線也很重要。請確保您選擇的漁鉤適合所釣魚種,以及選擇的漁線有足夠的強度。您可以通過觀看釣魚教學視頻來學習更多的釣魚技巧和注意事項。最後,請務必注意安全,不要在禁漁區釣魚,同時要遵守相關法律法規。如果您遇到問題或有其他問題需要幫助,請諮詢釣魚專業人士或相關機構。祝你釣得大魚滿載而歸!