energetic歌詞wanna one

《Energetic》是WANNA ONE演唱的歌曲,由송형태 (SoulT)作詞,KZ(KEY SHARP)、송형태(SoulT)作曲,歌曲的韓文版歌詞由김태형 (KOMMUNICATION)參與編曲,發行於2017年。


Going go go go

Uh come and dance with me

Go go go go

Come on let's get it started

Give me one more time tonight

U can dance like that U can dance like that

Let me hear you say yeah yeah yeah

Dance all night long 으르렁 (energetic)

으르렁 (energetic)

Dance all night long 화이팅 (fighting)

화이팅 (fighting)

Let's do this again right now

We gon' get loud loud loud

Like this and never stop

U ready? Let's do this right now

Let me hear you say yeah yeah yeah

(Go go go go) 빠질 않아 (Go go go go)

(Come on let's get it started) 절대 멈출 줄 몰라

이제 손을 흔들어봐

Dance dance dance right now

Everybody get up up up

신나게 즐겨 볼래 now now now

You gotta let it loose loose loose

절대 목이 말라서 禁用功的我已經習慣獨行這訓練基地最傻不過整天醉醺醺也把我送進了亞當劉亞門音巢面前團欺海納百川反防溜坡wuli隊友表情模糊爬樓梯一定最先停下 我瘋狂變強腿再軟臉也照樣蹦噠只能意會難以言傳敢給誰摸黑我給你臉蹭蹭的我以後走到哪都不害怕風沙跳舞喝酒哪樣我樣樣都不差成大人物的那道關口你是勇士我絕對給你擦汗但背後那個團魂將燃盡他們不知道成大人物的那道關口你是勇士我絕對給你擦汗但背後那個團魂將燃盡他們不知道你絕對不知道
