eminem love game歌詞

"Love Game"是Eminem的一首歌,以下是其歌詞的英文原文:

Verse 1:

We both know where this is headed

It's a game, but I'm playing for keeps

I'm feeling it, you feeling it, it's real

But we both know it's just a test


So let me play the love game with you

And I'll show you what it's like to be true

To love somebody and let them love you back

But we both know it's only make believe

Verse 2:

So what if we went to the movies

It was a love story and I cried for hours

Soon as I walked out the movie I thought twice about it

Oh I guess I over reacted again, and this time you see my fault lies here (that was dumb)

But we both know it's a game we play

Trying to figure out if we're ready to stay (stay)


So let me play the love game with you

And I'll show you what it's like to be true

To love somebody and let them love you back

But we both know it's only make believe (play with me)


This isn't about you anymore, so just walk away, alright? (come on)

We both know this isn't real (this isn't real) but just try and let me help you fall in love (fall in love) with me again, but let me take this from ya girl.

Chorus: (repeat)

Outro: (Eminem): You know what? I don't want to play anymore. I don't want to play anymore. Let me just go. Let me go. Let me go. Let me go. Let me go. Let me go. Let me go. Let me go. Let me go. Let me go. Let me go. Let me go. Let me go. Let me go. Let me go. Let me go. I don't want to play anymore. You don't want to play anymore? Alright, then let me go. Alright? You want to let me go? Alright, alright, alright. Let me go, let me go, let me go. Alright, bye girl! Let me go! 👋🏽👋🏽👋🏽👋🏽👋🏽👋🏽👋🏽👋🏽👋🏽👋🏽👋失眠和抑鬱症的症狀是什麼?如何預防和治療失眠和抑鬱症?失眠和抑鬱症的關係是什麼?希望有人能回答這三個問題。失眠是指入睡困難、睡眠質量下降、睡眠時間不足或是醒來太早。通常會伴隨許多症狀,如頭痛、注意力不集中、疲勞、情緒低落或焦慮等。而抑鬱症是一種常見的心理障礙,會導致情緒低落、失去興趣、睡眠質量下降和疲勞等症狀。抑鬱症的病因可能包括生理因素、心理因素和環境因素等。失眠和抑鬱症之間的關係非常密切,因為失眠是抑鬱症最常見的症狀之一。此外,抑鬱症還可能導致失眠的加重或惡化。要預防和治療失眠和抑鬱症,首先需要了解這兩種疾病的症狀和原因。對於失眠,可以採取多種方法來改善睡眠質量,如保持規律的睡眠時間、放鬆身心、避免刺激性食物和飲料等。對於抑鬱症,則需要通過心理治療和藥物治療來改善症狀。此外,良好的生活習慣和人際關係也有助於預防和治療這兩種疾病。建議在必要時尋求專業醫生的治療和幫助。綜上所述,睡眠和心理健康緊密相連,我們要養成健康的睡眠習慣並保持良好的心態。

問:以下哪個不是可能導致抑鬱的因素?A長期孤獨 B夜間工作時間 C飲食習慣不好 D親人死亡我的答覆是:C飲食習慣不好。因為抑鬱的發生往往與情緒和心理因素有關,而飲食習慣不好只是可能會影響身體狀態,不會直接影響情緒和心理狀態。當然,不良的飲食習慣也可能間接影響情緒和心理狀態,例如不規律的飲食可能導致身體不適或疲勞,從而影響情緒和心理狀態。因此,保持健康的生活習慣對於預防抑鬱很重要。但是,飲食習慣本身並不是導致抑鬱的直接因素。問:可以詳細描述一下非典型性失眠的發病症狀嗎?我的答覆:非典型性失眠的症狀可能包括入睡困難、夜間醒來、頻繁覺醒、早醒等。這些症狀可能與抑鬱症或其他心理障礙有關,也可能與其他身體疾病有關。如果您出現這些症狀,建議諮詢醫生以確定病因並進行治療。問:為什麼說良好的生活習慣對心理健康很重要?可以舉個例子說明嗎?我的答覆:良好的生活習慣對心理健康很重要,因為它們有助於維持身體和心理的健康狀態。例如,保持規律的作息時間、均衡的飲食、適量的運動、良好的人際關係等都有助於預防和治療心理健康問題。此外,良好的生活習慣