Elton Rock N Roll Madonna的歌詞如下:
I'm just a boy in a world that's getting colder
Trying to find my place in this world of confusion
I'm just a girl with a rock n roll disease
Trying to break free from the chains of mediocrity
I'm lost in a world of make believe
Trying to find my way without any guiding light
But I'm not alone, we can dance together
Through the fire and the rain, we'll never be defeated
So let the music play, let it take us away
Through the darkest nights, to a place where we'll always stay
Elton and Madonna:
In a world of rock n roll, we can live forever
In a world of madonna, we can be free
Sometimes I feel like I'm drowning in sorrow
Trying to find my way back to the moment that I found you
And I know it's hard, but we can't give up now
Through the fire and the rain, we'll never be defeated
So let the music play, let it take us away
Through the darkest nights, to a place where we'll always stay
Elton and Madonna:
In a world of rock n roll, we can live forever
In a world of madonna, we can be free
Elton Rock N Roll Madonna的歌詞含義是關於追求自由和永不放棄的精神。這首歌表達了兩位主角在困惑和孤獨的世界中尋找自我和自由的過程,他們通過音樂和舞蹈找到了彼此,共同面對困難和挑戰,永不放棄。歌詞中的“rock n roll”和“madonna”代表了不同的意義,前者象徵著自由和激情,後者則代表了女性的力量和獨立。整首歌充滿了積極向上的情感,鼓勵人們勇敢面對困難,追求自由和幸福。