ella henderson ghost歌詞

"Ghost"的歌詞作者是Ella Henderson。以下是這首歌的部分歌詞:

Verse 1:

I'm standing in the dark

Trying to find my way back

But I can't seem to remember

Where I belong


I'm a ghost, floating through the air

Just a shadow, a stranger there

No body, no soul

Only a memory in your heart

Verse 2:

And every night the same thing

Just another empty space

You think you know my secrets

But I don't know my face


I'm a ghost, drifting through the clouds

Just a shadow, a whisper in your dreams

No body, no soul

Only a memory in your mind


But I'm not gone, I'm not lost

I'm just wandering through the darkest nights

Trying to find my way back home

To the one who still believes in me


And now I'm back, I'm not a ghost anymore

I'm here with you, feeling stronger every day

I'm back, I'm here, I'm not gone

Forever in your heart, forever mine
