dreamcatcher july 7th歌詞

以下是《Dreamcatcher July 7th》的歌詞:

Verse 1:

Rain is falling all around

Oh my god I can't believe

This is the day I've been dreading

Oh my god it's true


July 7th it's the day we meet

I'm so scared but I'm ready to let go

Dreamcatcher I'll be waiting for you

Beneath the stars it's the time to start our love story

Verse 2:

Dark clouds fill the sky with regrets

Oh my god it won't last long

Just give me time and I will be free

It won't be long before I feel it with me



With every kiss the night becomes brighter

So much love now don't let go

No more tears tonight, our love is strong enough to make it through the storm



July 7th, the day our story began在代數式 x 2 - 3x + 2, x 3 - x, x 4 - x + 1, x 5 - x + 2 中,多項式有(  ) A.1個 B.2個 C.3個 D.4個


解:多項式有$x^{3} - x$,$x^{4} - x + 1$共兩個.故選B.