don t remind me歌詞

"Don't Remind Me"的詞曲作者不詳,但這首歌是一首由美國歌手泰勒·斯威夫特演唱的流行歌曲。以下是這首歌的英文詞曲:


Don't remind me

Of the times that we had

When we'd laugh and we'd cry

Don't remind me

Of the way it had to end

I'm doing alright

(Verse 1)

I'm so over the feeling

Of being left alone

I've moved on, I've let go

And I'm not giving you that look


Don't remind me

I won't give in to those eyes

You know how they can make me feel

You can save it for next time


We both knew it was over

But we didn't do much about it

You couldn't make up your mind

But now you're looking for a way back into my life


So don't remind me

I won't give in to those tears

Remembering them brings me down, so save it for yourself

Don't remind me, no don't remind me


Because now I see, you were never that great

And now I'm moving on, I won't be reminded.

以上就是"Don't Remind Me"的詞曲大意,希望對你有所幫助。這首歌表達了對過去感情的放下的決心,提醒我們過去再美好,現在已經過去,現在要向前看。