《Day O Day》的歌詞如下:
Day O
Day O so early in the morning,
De day O so early in the morning,
De day O so early in the morning,
Oh such a lovely morning.
Bread and cheese, ooh I can go my way.
Day O so lovely the day,
So early in the morning,
Oh what a nice day.
Out in the meadow we'll take our pleasure,
Out in the meadow where the grass is sweet.
Oho my dear, I think I'll make it with you today.
Sweet ooh meadow-sweet,
Oh sweet meadow-sweet,
Ooh sweet meadow-sweet,
Oh I'll gather you first.
Bread and cheese, ooh I can go my way.
Day O so lovely the day,
So lovely and bright.
Oh what a nice day.
Now and then we'll have a little fun,
And now and then we'll have a little fun with a gentleman.
Oho my dear, I think I'll make it with you today.
Day O so lovely the day,
Such a nice day, ooh.
Out on the ocean we'll take our pleasure,
O on the ocean blue and green.
Oh yes I will, ooh you sweet day O!
其中包含了多處唱詞和疊句重複,通過各種象徵和隱喻表現出的扭曲形象,例如海上生活和戀愛。該曲是由亨利·布雷爾利和其創作組編寫的歌曲。其特點是粗野和半下流的幽默,和同一時期其它的一些禁酒歌曲不同,因此,在有些地區,《Day O Day》也被認為是黃歌。但是其輕快的節奏和別具一格的歌詞深受聽眾喜愛。