Code Geass R2的OP歌曲是"Liar Liar"。
I'm a lie, a bad dream,
A dark knight who never sleeps,
My sword is my pillow,
My cloak is my wings.
Shadows crawling, eyes glowing,
Through the night I'll be riding,
My blade is my flag,
And my will is my army.
Till the dawn, till the end,
I'll be the one and only king.
Chase after my dreams,
Even if it's a dream of lies.
Take off your mask, show them your true face,
Become the beast you always wanted to be.
Oh no, I'm not a monster,
I'm just a knight in black.
Trying to find my way back home.
Code Geass R2的OP歌曲的歌詞描述了一個黑暗騎士的形象,表達了追逐夢想和展示真實自我的決心。它也揭示了一個事實,即騎士並不是一個惡魔,而是一個尋找回家之路的黑色騎士。這首歌非常適合描繪出劇中主角的勇敢和無畏形象。