

I keep running 我一直跑

To the end of this place 要跑到這地方的盡頭

Trying to find 試圖找到

Some way out of this mess 擺脫這個亂局的途徑

Chasing my tail 追著我自己的尾巴

Round and round we go 兜兜轉轉 我們一直轉著

Wondering how 我疑惑的是

I'm ever gonna catch my breath 我怎么可能找到我的呼吸點

Am I lost for good? 我可能永遠迷失了嗎?

Or am I close to the finish 或者是快到終點了?

Been feeling the urge 一直以來我感覺到了這個衝動

To scream it out loud 要大聲地喊出來

Chorus: (合唱)

Chase, I'm gonna chase it 我追,我一定要追

Even if it means I'll break a sweat 即使這意味著我會汗流浹背

Chase, I'm gonna chase it 我追,我一定要追

'Til I find out what it all means 直到我明白這一切的意義

Verse 2: (副歌2)

Got my heart pounding 我的心跳得厲害

My lungs feel like they're on fire 我的肺感覺像在燃燒一樣

But I won't stop 我不會停下來

Not until I know what this is 直到我知道這一切為止

Chorus: (合唱)

Chase, I'm gonna chase it 我追,我一定要追

Even if it means I'm on my own 即使這意味著我會孤單一人

Chase, I'm gonna chase it 我追,我一定要追

'Til the truth comes into view 直到真相進入我的視線

Bridge: (橋段)

Got a feeling that I won't lose 我有一種感覺我永遠不會輸掉什麼

So why won't you let me just give up 所以你為什麼不會讓我放棄呢?

Chorus: (合唱) x2: (再合唱)

Chase, I'm gonna chase it 我追,我一定要追

Even if it means I'm on my own 即使這意味著我會孤單一人

Chase, I'm gonna chase it 我追,我一定要追

'Til the end of all hope 直到所有的希望結束為止