


Get ready for this

It's a celebration

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah


Yeah, it's a celebration

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah


Yeah, it's a celebration

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah


Yeah, it's a celebration

Yeah, let's go


Yeah, it's a celebration

Everybody say yeah

Yeah, yeah, yeah

Everybody say yeah

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah


Everybody say yeah

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Everybody say yeah

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Yeah, it's a celebration

Yeah, it's a celebration

Yeah, it's a celebration now

Everybody say yeah now

Yeah, yeah, yeah now

Everybody say yeah now

Yeah, it's a celebration now


Come on girls let me hear you scream and shout (Scream and shout)

Let me hear you celebrate tonight (Yeah)

Come on girls let me hear you scream and shout (Scream and shout)

Let me hear you celebrate tonight (Celebrate tonight)

Come on girls let me hear you scream and shout (Yeah)

Let me hear you celebrate tonight (Celebrate tonight)

It's a celebration (Celebrate tonight) 今晚真嗨皮 讓我們唱出我們的熱情 無論何方何地 隨我起舞 舞動我們的舞步 今晚就這樣 狂歡起舞 享受今晚 現在開始狂歡吧 一起跳起來吧 跳起來吧 讓我們一起唱出我們的熱情 無論何方何地 隨我起舞 舞動我們的舞步 一起跳起來吧 現在開始狂歡吧 今晚真嗨皮 讓我們唱出我們的熱情 無論何方何地 隨我起舞 一起跳起來吧 一起唱出我們的熱情 現在開始狂歡吧 這就是我們最熱愛的節日慶典!我們齊聲歡唱,我們一同起舞,一起狂歡,盡情享受!我們的歡笑,我們的激情,匯成了我們的獨特樂章。是的,這是我們的慶典!是所有我們相信,尊重,並追求的事物的一種慶祝。盡情舞動起來吧,跟隨這股節奏,舞動你身體,共享這個美好夜晚!今夜是個大慶祝,現在我們一起步入歡快節拍。盡享喜悅、熱愛與快樂,把慶祝的氣氛帶入生活的每個角落。大家都在享受,你為什麼不呢?是的,這就是我們的節日慶典!是關於共享快樂,積極向上的生活態度的慶祝。不要擔心未知的路,也不要錯過現在的快樂時光。享受它,把握它,就是今晚,讓慶祝進行到底! 這就是這首歌曲的全部歌詞了。