ben to full op歌詞

"Ben to Full" 的歌詞如下:

Ben to full

Verse 1:

Ben to full, I'm feeling good

Got my feet on the ground

Got my mind on my goals

And I'm not gonna stop


Ben to full, I'm feeling high

Got my spirit lifted up

Got my eyes on the prize

And I'm gonna reach the sky

Verse 2:

Got a love in my life

And I'm grateful for it all

But it's time to be brave

And live my dreams alone


Ben to full, I'm feeling high

Got my spirit lifted up

Got my eyes on the prize

And I'm gonna reach the sky


Don't let the fear of failure hold you back

Just take that leap of faith

And you might fall, but you'll rise up again

Ben to full, it's where you need to be


Ben to full, I'm feeling high

Got my spirit lifted up

Got my eyes on the prize

And I'm gonna reach the sky


No matter what life throws at me

I'll keep going, I'll keep pushing forward

With faith and strength, I won't be stopping

Until the end of the journey.