beauty and the beast歌詞意味

"Beauty and the Beast"是一首非常有名的歌曲,常被用在兒童故事改編的動畫電影中。它的歌詞主要由愛情、友情和成長的主題構成。歌詞通過將美麗的“Beauty”(即人間的女孩)和粗野的“Beast”(這是當代的一位醜陋的、變形的森林的精靈,這位精靈曾被囚禁在城堡中)的對比來展示愛情中雙方互相理解、尊重和愛的必要性。以下是一部分歌詞:

“Beauty and the Beast”


Beauty is beautiful, she’s the fairest one of all,

Her eyes, they shine bright, she’s got the power to enchant you.

But deep inside, there’s a beast within her keeping,

She needs to find, someone to break the spell.


Beauty and the beast, they’re one in the same,

A heart of gold and a beast beneath the flame.

Beauty and the beast, we’ll sing and we’ll dance,

Till the beast within us learns to break the chains of lust.


She may be strong, but she’s scared to face the world alone,

Her heart is true, she will learn to trust in what she’ll grow.

The beast may roar, but a rose he cannot harm her,

With love to show him that he’s not what he’s been charmed.


Beauty and the beast, their story can be seen,

As love for one another gives way to change.

Beauty and the beast, together they’ll be,

Til the beast within them learns to rise above the pain.


總的來說,“Beauty and the Beast”歌詞既充滿了浪漫主義色彩,也具有深厚的哲理內涵,可以給聽眾帶來很多啟示。