"Back Up" 是 Beyoncé 的一首歌曲,以下是其歌詞:
Verse 1:
Back up, give me space, I'm coming for you
I'm feeling it, it's on me, I'm taking over
Back up, back up, let me take it all over
Back up, back up, you don't have to fight it
Verse 2:
You know I got this, I'm taking over
I'm feeling it, it's on me, I'm taking over
Back up, back up, let me take it all over
Back up, back up, you don't have to fight it
You know I'm here for you, you don't have to doubt it
You know I got your back, I'm standing by it
Back up, back up, let me take it all over
Back up, back up, you don't have to fight it
Back up, you know you can trust me with your heart.
以上是 "Back Up" 的部分歌詞,由於歌詞是動態的,可能會根據演唱者的演唱和歌曲的版本有所不同。如需獲取歌詞的完整版本,建議直接查看音樂專輯或相關音樂平台。