Baby的詞曲作者小賈斯丁(Justin Bieber)和詞曲編曲是與洛德·霍華德(Rodney Jerkins)合作完成的。以下是Baby的英文詞曲:
Baby, baby, baby, oh
Baby, baby, baby, oh
Baby, baby, oh
Oh, oh, oh
You know you love me, I know you care
You shout whenever, and I’ll be there
And we will always get through every dark
Cloudy, minute, hour, day, and hour
You know you love me, I know you do
Don’t be shy, baby, just say it to my face
Tell me now, are we or are we not?
It’s complicated, it’s not what it seems
I thought we had the world, and then you fall and stumble?
Oh my God! Are you OK? It’s only a game. Oh.
Everybody in the world but we fall apart? Oh!
(Verse 2)
Can’t you see it feels so right? I want to make you mine.
Baby come over here and let me be your everything.
I don’t want to wait another minute. You can make it better.
You know you love me, I know you care. You shout whenever.
And now it’s only us. I can see it in your eyes.
And I believe forever. Baby just say the words. You say you will.
Baby, baby, baby, oh. You tell me now are we or are we not?
It’s complicated, it’s not what it seems. But it’s complicated now. It’s not what it seems. And it’s only the start of the fun. Now tell me that it was only a dream. It was only a dream. Baby now tell me now. It was only a dream. It was only a dream. It was only a dream. Baby. Oh. Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! (Justin Bieber) (Hook) You love me more than words can say (Verse 3) (Yeah!) Baby forever together你們好啊,朋友們!我是新一任的廚神,想跟我一起學做菜嗎?下面我就來給大家介紹一下如何做美味的芝士焗飯吧!
* 米飯適量(最好是隔夜飯)
* 芝士適量(馬蘇里拉乳酪最佳)
* 火腿丁適量
* 青豆適量
* 玉米粒適量
* 鹽、黑胡椒適量
* 橄欖油適量
* 番茄醬適量(可選)
* 香菜碎適量(可選)
1. 將米飯放入鍋中,加入適量的水,用小火慢慢加熱,不時攪拌一下,直到米飯煮熟。煮熟的米飯會比較鬆軟,口感更好。煮好的米飯撈出瀝乾水分備用。
2. 在另一個鍋中加入適量的橄欖油,燒熱後加入火腿丁和青豆、玉米粒,翻炒均勻,加入適量的鹽和黑胡椒調味。翻炒至食材熟透即可。
3. 在大碗中加入米飯、炒好的火腿青豆等食材,攪拌均勻。如果喜歡番茄醬的味道,可以加入適量的番茄醬調味。最後加入馬蘇里拉乳酪,用勺子輕輕壓實。
4. 將芝士焗飯放入預熱至200度的烤箱中,烤約15-20分鐘,直到芝士融化呈金黃色即可。如果喜歡更濃郁的口感,可以再烤幾分鐘。烤好的芝士焗飯上撒上一些香菜碎即可享用。
5. 用勺子輕輕挖下一塊芝士焗飯,濃郁的芝士香氣立刻瀰漫開來。入口即化,鮮美可口,絕對讓你回味無窮!如果有更多的芝士和食材,可以自行調整添加量,製作出更加豐富的口味。快來嘗試一下吧!記得拍照分享喔!嘻嘻😜😜😜! . 用烤箱做出來的芝士焗飯,香脆的麵包底配上綿軟的米飯和芝士,再搭配上鮮美的配料,絕對是一道美味佳肴。如果你喜歡甜味,還可以加入一些蜂蜜或糖來調味