以下是《angels we have heard on high》的歌詞:
O what can ail thee, knight at arms so sadly,
Alone and palely loitering?
The sedge has withered from the lake,
And no birds sing.
The alder and the willow hang
Their intertwining branches over me;
And far away, where the mountains rise,
The murmur of the接納人間的安息地, is heard.
Oh, who is this that, o'er the snow-clad hills,
And blasts of the uneven altitudes,
Shakes the loud dirge in so wild a tone?
To the funeral knell of all that's best.
Sweet lay it in. But lo! a band, a hundred men in step so firm and strong;
Who strive with death, who strive with fear,
In the fray that rends the cloudy veil.
Who are they? They come so near.
Oh! that it were a hundred times more dead,
And I were dead with them! Oh! for one moment's peace,
In this still noontide of the night of death.
But 'tis Heaven's self that speaks from their faces.
And we are happy here to-night.
We have heard on high angels sing,
While through the rifted veil they look'd down;
With one accord they come from heaven,
To see their children to their own again.
Yet what is man that he should remain?
But lo! he sinks into his rest;
He sinks and falls asleep; he shall not rise again. But now we shall not sleep;
But now our sleep shall be eternal. O sleep and rise in death!