《And the Glory of the Lord》的歌詞如下:
Oh, glory, glory, hallelujah
Oh, glory, glory, hallelujah
Oh, the Lord is king
Oh, the Lord is king
Oh, glory, glory, hallelujah
Oh, the Lord is king
Oh, the Lord is on my side
Oh, the Lord will take me up
Oh, the Lord will take me up
Oh, I will sing and shout for joy
Oh, I will sing and shout for joy
Oh, I will walk in the light
Oh, I will walk in the light
Oh, I will walk in the light
Oh, I will walk in the light
Oh, I will walk in the light forever
Oh, I will walk in the light forever
Oh, glory, glory, hallelujah
Oh, I will walk in the light forever
And all my days are numbered
And all my days are numbered
And all my days are numbered
So I will praise my God forever
So I will praise my God forever
So I will praise my God forever
With all that is in me.
這就是《And the Glory of the Lord》的歌詞,希望您能滿意。