an open heart歌詞

《An Open Heart》的歌詞如下:

Verse 1:

Take a step back, take a deep breath

Don't let your past keep you feeling regret

Life's a journey, full of ups and downs

You can't change the past, but you can change the now


An open heart, an open mind

Letting go, letting in

The good and the bad, the highs and the lows

An open heart, that's what I need

Verse 2:

You don't have to be alone in this world

There's someone out there who understands

You don't have to be afraid of love anymore

It's time to let it in, it's time to believe


An open heart, an open mind

Letting go, letting in

The good and the bad, the highs and the lows

An open heart, that's what I need


Believe in yourself, believe in tomorrow

Life's not perfect, but it's worth fighting for

Take a chance, don't let fear hold you back

Open your heart, and let the light in


An open heart, an open mind

Letting go, letting in

The good and the bad, the highs and the lows

An open heart, that's what I need


So let your heart be filled with love today

Let it shine, let it shine on its own電學基本物理量及單位的關係是怎樣的?


1. 電壓(V):電壓是描述電場力移動電荷的能力,通常用電壓表測量。電壓的單位是伏特(V),也常用毫伏(mV)、微伏(μV)等作為單位。

2. 電流(A):電流是電荷的流動速率,通常用電流表測量。電流的單位是安培(A),也常用毫安(mA)、微安(μA)等作為單位。

3. 電阻(Ω):電阻是衡量電路中阻礙電流通過的能力,通常用電阻器或電阻表測量。電阻的單位是歐姆(Ω),也常用千歐姆(kΩ)和兆歐姆(MΩ)等作為單位。

4. 電容(F):電容是衡量電容器儲存電荷的能力,通常用電容表測量。電容的單位是法拉(F),較小的單位有微法(μF)和納法(nF)等。

5. 電感(H):電感是衡量線圈儲存磁場的能力,通常用電感表測量。電感的單位是亨利(H),也常用毫亨(mH)等作為單位。

6. 歐姆定律:歐姆定律描述了電壓、電流和電阻之間的關係,即電壓等於電流除以電阻。歐姆定律的公式為U = IR,其中U表示電壓,I表示電流,R表示電阻。

7. 基爾霍夫定律:基爾霍夫定律是電路分析中的重要定律,它描述了電路中各電流和電壓之間的關係。基爾霍夫定律的公式包括KCL(基爾霍夫電流定律)和KVL(基爾霍夫電壓定律)。
