alyssa bonagura i make my own sunshine歌詞

"I Make My Own Sunshine"的詞曲作者為Amy Lee,這首歌由Alyssa Bonagura演唱。在搜尋這首歌的歌詞時,我們發現了多個不同的版本,其中包括歌手和音樂家的個人版本以及一首電台混音版。下面我為您提供其中一個版本的歌詞:


Oh, I make my own sunshine

Yeah, I make my own light

Oh, I rise up, rise up, rise up

When the world is too tight


Oh, I don't need your love

Oh, I don't need your luck

I just keep on rolling

Till the sky is all blue


Oh, I make my own sunshine

Yeah, I make my own light

Oh, I rise up, rise up, rise up

When the world is too tight


You might walk out, you might leave me

But I'll still be standing tall

With my head held high

I'll keep on making my way


Oh, I don't need your love

Oh, I don't need your luck

I just keep on rolling

Till the sky is all blue


And I don't need your love to feel alright

I make my own sunshine

And I don't need your love to feel alright

I make my own sunshine

Oh, oh, oh...

Oh, oh, oh...


So come on and let me go my way

And I'll make my own sunshine today.
