against the grain 歌詞

"Against the Grain"是由加拿大人樂隊Sumerfolk演唱的一首歌曲,其歌詞為英文。以下是這首歌的歌詞:

Verse 1:

Running from the truth, it's in my head

Trying to escape, I'm not sure where to hide

It's like a seed that's been planted deep inside

It's a force that won't be denied


Against the grain, I feel the tug of war

Trying to find my way, but I'm so unsure

Against the grain, I feel the pressure grow

Trying to break free, but I'm so alone

Verse 2:

Feels like a stranger in my own skin

Trying to be brave, but it's not what I want to do

Trying to keep my head up high

But my heart keeps breaking the rules


Against the grain, I feel the tug of war

Trying to find my way, but I'm so unsure

Against the grain, I feel the pressure grow

Trying to break free, but I'm so alone


It's a battle inside, a war that never ends

Trying to be brave, but it's not what I want to do

Trying to break free, from the chains that bind

But it's not easy, it's not easy at all


Against the grain, I feel the tug of war

Trying to find my way, but I'm so unsure

Against the grain, I feel the pressure grow

Trying to break free, but I'm still alone

以上就是"Against the Grain"的歌詞。這首歌表達了一個人在面對內心的掙扎和矛盾時的困惑和無助,以及他們試圖掙脫束縛、尋找自我、勇敢面對真實的自我。