adele love song歌詞翻譯

《Adele》 - 《Love Song》的詞語翻譯如下:

* 我在你的懷抱中迷失,彷彿愛情總是甜美如此

(原文:I was lost in your embrace, like love was always meant to be this sweet)

* 我像夜空中的行星在空虛的街道上行走

(原文:I'm like a planet lost in the sky at night)

* 我選擇了你,你選擇了我,我們一起在愛的迷宮中迷失

(原文:I chose you, you chose me, we got lost in each other's eyes)

* 這就是愛情,它讓我們痛苦,讓我們笑著承受

(原文:This is love, it hurts us, it makes us laugh through the tears)

* 我愛你,我愛你,我愛你,這是我唯一能做的

(原文:I love you, I love you, I love you, that's all I can do)

* 這就是愛情,它讓我們無法自拔,讓我們彼此依賴

(原文:This is love, it's got us hooked, it's got us hooked on each other)
