"Gimme Gimme Gimme" 是ABBA的一首歌曲,它的歌詞如下:
Gimme, gimme, gimme
A hug and a squeeze
To comfort me
I need to feel the warmth of your body near me
'Cause all I see is misery
In the world today
No one seems to care
I'm so alone
Gimme, gimme, gimme
Your love forever more
'Cause all I ever need is you to hold me near
Gimme, gimme, gimme
Your love forever more
I'm so alone
And I'm so afraid
To face the world alone
So won't you please be my guiding star?
Gimme, gimme, gimme... forever more.
以上就是這首歌的歌詞,它表達了作者對關愛的渴望,希望得到他人的擁抱和溫暖,以及希望有一份永恆的愛情。歌詞中的“Gimme, gimme, gimme”反覆出現,加強了這種渴望的情感。