a wolf at the door歌詞

《a wolf at the door》的英文詞曲內容如下:


There's a wolf at the door

Begging for your love

Just a moment too late

You're already lost


Soon it will be night

And the wolf will be stronger

You're not ready yet

For what he's waiting for


There's a moment too late

When you realize

That you've already fallen

For this wolf at the door


Soon it will be dark

And the wolf will be hungry

You're not strong enough

To fight him anymore


He's not what he seems

He's not what he says

He's just a wolf at the door

Waiting for his prey


You're not the only one

Who's fallen for his tricks

But you can still choose

To run away and free yourself


You can still escape the night

Before it's too late

Don't let the wolf inside

Take over your heart

《a wolf at the door》是一首關於愛情、關於選擇的歌曲,描述了當你遇到一個深情的、熱烈的追求者時,你應該如何做出自己的選擇。這首歌也暗示了真正的愛情需要勇敢和智慧,而不是被表面的熱情所迷惑。